Filemón Ayala Pucllas
Social Worker
The most beautiful thing in life is to see the smile of another human being for your support, it is rewarding and priceless a real thank you from a person that you helped.
I came to Mama Alice as a volunteer to support the children in education, then they needed an assistant to care for the children, I did not hesitate to introduce myself. I was close to the children and I saw their difficulties, I wanted to help them but it was not possible, 2 months before the end of the year 2022, a social worker Pilar went to work elsewhere, I met her when I did my pre-professional internship in another place, I am very grateful to her and thanks to her I came to Mama Alice and I had the opportunity to work as a social worker, I am also grateful to Elba and Frederick for giving me the opportunity to be part of the team, despite the difficulties I had, I studied social work because it is one of the most humanitarian careers that helps to improve healthy human relationships, promotes social changes that allow to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable people.
My childhood was very difficult, I grew up in extreme poverty and also with little affection from my parents, this helped me become determinant to study social work, it helped me as a person. I put this into practice and it gives me the happiness that I can support other people with the same problems that I had, it gives me joy and a lot of strength. When I go to Yanama there is always a boy or girl; When they see me they come to greet me and give me a hug, they always remember the other workers who are no longer with Mama Alice and they say they were very good and so are you. I always try to give them the best of myself to help and contribute to their development.
At the moment I am single, I have not yet found the right person to share my crazy things, I hope that one day life will present me. I would like to have a daughter and a son to learn how it is to be a father to get experience to help a lot of family. I know it is not easy, but it must be wonderful.
I like to make music, I know how to play an instrument called «chinlili» it is for a musical genre of my village called «chimaycha» I also like to sing, I would like to learn other instruments. I like the charki kanka, its canchita and its cheese obviously I love all food that is rich. I am a bit special for food. I would also like to travel to other countries to get to know other cultures and also to grow as a professional to continue helping many children and families in their difficulties.
I always like to teach others to think and not to give fish, as Jesus said, I hope to stay longer at Mama Alice and with all the new friends who are great to work with.